How to remove highlighting in word 97
How to remove highlighting in word 97

Save the original document with a new name.The basic process to remove hard returns or paragraph marks, as detailed below, is: And that is to use the Find and Replace commands. However, there is a much easier approach to removing hard returns. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to clear your selection.Although it can be quite a time-consuming process, we could manually edit the text to delete the extra hard returns, add a space or punctuation if necessary, and continue cleaning up the document in this way. The button will provide a count of the number of sources you have chosen to exclude. Click the red Exclude (x) button at the bottom of the All Sources side panel. Use the checkboxes to select the sources that you'd like to exclude from the similarity report.Click the Exclude Sources button at the bottom of the All Sources side panel.If the similarity layer was inactive, it will now be activated, highlighting all on-paper matches. To exclude sources from the similarity report using the All Sources side panel, click the graph icon from the similarity toolbar.Using the check boxes, select the source(s) you would like to exclude from the paper's similarity report, and select the red Exclude button.īy clicking the Exclude (x) button, this will recalculate the similarity score.At the bottom of the Match Breakdown side panel, click the Exclude Sources button at the bottom.To access each match in more detail and exclude sources, click the arrow to the right of the relevant similarity percentage.

how to remove highlighting in word 97

All matches will be displayed within the Match Overview side panel.To exclude sources from the similarity report using the Match Overview side panel, click the red numerical similarity score from the similarity toolbar.Feedback Studio Instructor Website Excluding sources

How to remove highlighting in word 97